Join us in partnering with GRACEWORKS, Kenya.
St John’s is a community built on the foundation of Jesus Christ and his love. He has called us his beloved children. Because we are the children of God, we are called to a life of being loved and loving others.
Please use the Categories menu below to find the ministry area you're interested in. Or just take a look around, you never know where God might be calling you to serve and lean into St. John's mission of delivering the restorative hope of Jesus to a world in need.
Making An Impact!
Through our partnership with Olive Crest and Orange County Social Services, St. John's has been making a positive impact on the lives Kinship and Foster Families in the Orange County Area. Click on the video to find out about the Caregiver's Day Off ministry!
Join us in partnering with GRACEWORKS, Kenya.
Team members serve the homebound, isolated, ill, and hospitalized through phone calls, cards, and in-person visits.
We can help. Fill out our contact form and we can help you find the best fit.
People from the community come to receive fresh, healthy food for their families on the 4th Saturday of every month. In partnership with Second Harvest and Cool Water Ministry, we give eight tons of food to more than 100 families each month.
Experience the joy of investing in young lives - Volunteer to help with Sunday School and other St. John's Kid's ministry events and activities.
American Red Cross Blood Drive at St.John's Orange. One donation can save 3 lives. Please make an appointment ONLINE prior to the event.
Your musical talent, joined with the other talents of the Worship Team, will help lead God's people in worship.
JOIN THE TEAM ... Help to create Sundays that honor the Greatness of Our God.. Everyone can find a spot on the team!
Sanctuary Worship. Adults and youth, men and women who are at least of high school age may participate in this choir.