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Care Communities

Vulnerable Children

Care Communities

Become a Care Community for a Kinship or Foster Family

What is a Care Community?

A Care Community is an engineered team (much like an extended family group) of 4 to 8 committed volunteers who support and serve a kinship or RFA family and their children.

What will we do as a volunteer team?

As a team, your Care Community will provide regular and ongoing practical help such as bringing meals, prayer, and childcare.  Some groups also offer transportation, laundry, or yard-work depending on your teams skills and your family's need.


Since so many families in our area are in need and have no support, St. John’s is coming alongside families as scripture calls us to:

Psalm 68:5-6

“A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.
God sets the lonely in families...”

James 1:27

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”


What is a Kinship Family?

A Kinship family is a when a relative becomes the caretaker for a child (usually a grandparent) and brings the child / children into their home permanently because the biological parent is unfit to raise them.

Make a difference with a CARE COMMUNITY.

Providing just one meal a month and participating in a care community brings hope, love, & support to these vulnerable children and helps keep them out of the Foster Care System.

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Not Sure Where to Serve?

We can help. Fill out our contact form and we can help you find the best fit.

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Making An Impact!

Ministry to Vulnerable Children

Through our partnership with Olive Crest and Orange County Social Services, St. John's has been making a positive impact on the lives Kinship and Foster Families in the Orange County Area. Click on the video to find out about the Caregiver's Day Off ministry!

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