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e-prayer team

Prayer & Care

e-prayer team

Thank you for your interest in serving on the St. John’s Orange prayer ministry teams.
These teams work entirely online. You simply sign up using this form, we put you on a team, and then each week you will receive a devotion focused on prayer and the requests assigned to your team! The devotion is a way to center our hearts and our minds on Christ Jesus as we prepare to spend some time in conversation with Him in the midst of a busy week. We’d love you to join our team and are confident you will be blessed by your service.

There is room for everyone in this ministry, whether you have only a few moments a week to serve, or would be willing to serve daily or for a longer period once a week. More sensitive requests will be shared only with prayer team members who are actively involved, recommended by a church leader, and comfortable with handling confidential information.

Thank you - we know that your efforts will serve as a blessing to others, and that you too will be blessed along the way.

Jenny McClelland
Care Coordinator

e-prayer team application


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Making An Impact!

Ministry to Vulnerable Children

Through our partnership with Olive Crest and Orange County Social Services, St. John's has been making a positive impact on the lives Kinship and Foster Families in the Orange County Area. Click on the video to find out about the Caregiver's Day Off ministry!

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