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Friendship Quilters

St. John's Friendship Quilters

is a group of individuals who promote friendship among those interested in quilting. We are a chapter of Prayers and Squares International. The group provides charity quilts in our community.

Prayers and Squares is an international interfaith program that combines the gift of prayer with the gift of a hand-tied quilt. Quilts are distributed to those in need of prayer - people who are hospitalized or suffering from illnesses, military personnel or those facing a personal crisis or disaster. A heavy thread is used to make stitches through the quilt layers with the ends of the stitch left free to be tied into a square knot. As each knot is tied, a prayer is said for the recipient of the quilt.

Recently the Friendship Quilters group has expanded and included those that can knit or crochet to help in making Prayer Shawls.

We meet the 3rd Saturday of every month.
Please Join Us!

Heide Bush 


Request a Prayer Quilt